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Instinct can be defined as a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is not learned

  • a natural desire or tendency that makes you want to act in a particular way
  • something you know without learning it or thinking about it
  • a natural ability

Our instinct is one of the greatest gift we have as humans, and if you are going to unleash your full potential and treasures you need to unlock your instinct and unleash it.

Understand that unleashing your full instinct would distinguish you, make people love you, it would also make many people uncomfortable. You carry something different when your instinct is fully unleashed so expect that in the world of humans many people are going to be uncomfortable with you.

As a writer, I have personally discovered that the only way to unleash my instinct is to write from my soul, and you can only unleash your full instinct in writing if you don’t write to please people.

I personally discovered that if you write to please people, or you become a political writer, you can’t fully unleash your potentials or unearth your treasures in the field of writing.

Instinct is so powerful and it adds distinctiveness to whatever you are doing when it’s unleashed.

Have you watched some of these reality shows?

Let me use Project fame for example. 2014 project fame had a lot of contestants who stood out. However there are some particular rendition that some contestants stood out more than the other.

An example was Geoffrey the winner for that year and Christian the second runner-up. Geoffrey performed a song by Majek Fashek, the title was Genesis.

OMG, that performance was distinct. He unleashed his instinct and up till today I can’t get enough of that particular rendition of his, he outdid the owner of the song. That was his best for me, that rendition endeared him to many voters, no wonder he became the winner for that year.

His costume, his actions and dramatization for that particular performance was so instinctive , so mind-blowing. The judges were awe-struck they could not understand him, the power of instinct is indescribable. It takes you into another realm entirely and makes you do what no one has ever done before.

Christian’s rendition on that particular day was also mind-blowing. The way he was jumping, his entrance I can’t even describe it. He acted like a brilliant man soaked in his drunken awareness.

I don’t know if I am making sense hahhaha. This particular Christian also unleashed his instinct when he was on probation at the beginning and he was still holding back. His probation performance had him removing his shoes on stage when it got to a point and he performed like a mad man. That performance turned around the belief of everyone watching the show and even the judges were blown away and had to remove him from probation.

Dear friend your INSTINCT is powerful. God put it there, don’t downplay it. Use it POSITIVELY, unleash it, and watch you become a person of distinction at whatever you do.

I have unleashed my instinct and that is why I am here today.

I am still unleashing it that is why I can write the way I do, and create my unique style of writing.

Make no mistake unleashing your instinct does not translate to automatic love.


As a matter of fact depending on your field of expertise it could gain you enemies, however it would gain you the right people and take you to the right places. That is all that counts and matter.

So what are you waiting for?

Unleash your instinct today and SOAR!

I await your winning story.

Have a beautiful day ahead.

Here is the link to Geoffrey’s performance of Genesis HERE

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